Title sponsored this year by Unitronic, Southern Worthersee is held in a quant, idealic German inspired town called Helen, Georgia. The event location is suiting, possessing a similar feeling to the town in Austria that the event is named after. SoWo brings out some of the most devoted Volkswagen Group enthusiasts, folks driving all the way from California and Canada. The windy twisted roads that leads to the German inspired Helen can tickle any driving enthusiast, making the experience just that much sweeter. Here are some highlights from the event, including some of my favorite Volkswagens at the show.
Seven Generations of Golf
Volkswagen of America definitely put together one of the coolest displays I’ve seen over the years that would have not been possible without the help of some hardcore enthusiasts. They pulled together a Rabbit/Golf/GTI from each generation, to have 7 including a mk7 GTI, lined up in the front of the Volkswagen display at the show. It really showed the evolution of the popular little hatch, and showcased the hard work and individuality that enthusiasts put into these "hot hatches".
Project Cars
Some of Volkswagens brought to the show are dreamt up by lovely folks at VWoA's Parts and Accessories Department, or the lovely guys at VW Vortex. When dreams become reality, magical things happen. From an old SEMA project Jetta to a SUPER (street illegal) Beetle, the potential for what's to come is endless, as long as the creativity keeps flowing.
This APR tuned mk5 GTI has Recaro Racing seats in the front... AND THE BACK! |
Retired Models Live
Enthusiast events are some of the only times when you will see massive amounts of "retired" models that you wouldn't see on the street every day. From models who recently left our lineup like the PassatWagen, or dinosaurs like T2 Dokas, these gems are beautifully revamped to shine like the diamonds they are.
Family Reunion
The Volkswagen community truly is one big family. Enthusiast events are also great times to reunite with old friends with common interests that are spread throughout the U.S. Some of my favorite folks include the great people at Volkswagen Racing, with their North American operations, Racingline USA, based out of Opelika, AL. They definitely have some of the "prettiest" aftermarket parts I've seen, including a Cold-Air Intake System I recently just picked up.
Another group I enjoy seeing are the guys at Orchid Euro, based out of Norristown, PA. The owner Jamie and his gang specialize in rare and unusual automotive importation. What really caught my attention when I first met them last year was that they created a business by not only importing, but by doing right hand drive conversions. They convert vehicles into cars you'd drive in bloody England! It's truly remarkable, and definitely a perfect rare find if you're in the market.
Modern Twists
You don't need an older model to express your creativity. And the enthusiasts at Worthesee definitely didn't hold back for some of these current generation models. Bravo friends, bravo.
Return of the Original Air Cooled
You'll never see so many air-cooled vehicles in one location than at a Volkswagen enthusiast event. Unless you have a time machine and can transport back to the 70's. The iconic Beetle is truly inspirational, and these O.G. Bugs truly show an exuberant display of charisma.
Previews of What's In Store
Of course we can't just reflect on the past, we have to look at the future! With the new mk7 GTI and Golfs coming out, VWoA's Parts and Accessories Department previewed some parts and body kits that will be offered for the new generation. My favorite in particular is the dual center exhaust option that's available for.... wait for it.... THE GOLF. WHAT?! That's right, the Golf.
If this hasn't convinced you that SoWo is worth experiencing, consider this. The event is held deep in the Chattahoochee National Forest, where the roads are hilly, windy, and smooth because Georgia roads don't experience a quarter of the wear and tear ours do. Not to mention, the gorgeous mountain backdrop that surrounds you. The nature is overwhelmingly beautiful, creating a perfect environment for an ideal driving experience. I'm still on cloud nine after a great weekend in Helen, and I hope that one day you too will be fortunate enough to attend this amazing event.
Tweet us @stohlmanauto. Until next time!
Esther Cho
VW Product Specialist