(Stohlman VW's Harry Vannie and his wife, Kris) |
We have sad news this week from Stohlman VW. One of our Certified VW Sales Consultants, Harry Vannie has fallen ill and is currently in critical condition at Georgetown University Medical Center. After what was thought to be just symptoms of a cold that was going around, Harry sought out treatment at Inova Loudoun Hospital early last week after encouragement from his wife, Kris. Unfortunately, his diagnosis turned out to be more serious than a little cold. He was helicoptered to Geogetown University Medical Center’s Critical Care Center, where his family was informed that Harry had developed a severe infection that led to Sepsis. Sepsis is a potential life threatening complication from an infection. Sepsis occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight the infection causes inflammation throughout the system. In Harry’s case, his sepsis led to septic shock, triggering multiple organ failure. He is currently fighting for his life in a medically induced coma and life support.
(Harry's family with his 2013 Golf R - Photo by Alles Gute) |
(Harry's 2013 Golf R - Photo by Alles Gute) |
With Harry being in a coma, the bills at the hospital and at home are stacking up. In the car business, paid sick days don’t really exist. Ryan Berg, a member of the Nova Dubs community, was generous enough to set up a GoFundMe for Harry and his family. All donations go straight to his wife Kris, to help pay for living expenses and hospital care. Kris has been spending day and night next to Harry, praying for a speedy recovery. Please help us show support for Harry and his family. Because of his current condition, he cannot receive fresh flowers or fruit, so please consider donating to Harry’s GoFundMe instead. Every dollar counts and is appreciated. We’re praying for you Harry, and cannot wait for you to return to Stohlman VW, healthy and happy.
To Donate for Harry and his family - http://www.gofundme.com/harryvannie
Follow us @stohlmanauto. Until next time.
Esther Cho
VW Product Specialist